A new concept in the treatment of compressor condensate discharge has been introduced by the air handling specialists Hi-line Industries. Their latest ConSEP products provide a 10% higher volumetric capacity than their previous Gen 2 range, enabling the utilisation of greater oleophilic as well as superior activated carbon filtration media. The increased service life provided by these products is backed-up with a lifetime warranty against leaks or malfunction provided by this established midlands manufacturer.

The ConSEP range exceeds all relevant UK and European consent levels, and is compatible with all current condensate drains as well as many types of oils. By eliminating moving parts, together with both static water and oil containers, the larger and stronger ConSEP ensures a simple, reliable and friendly environmental solution for the economical treatment of compressor condensate. The whole process is both easy and clean to use, ensuring a low carbon footprint with the provision of a 6 – 12 month service period between sediment collections and ‘blue-bag’ replacements.

Four models are available in the ConSEP condensate cleaner range, covering flow capacities of 100/300/750 and 1500 cfm respectively. The condensate, comprising residual air, water, oil and other process contaminants is fed into a diffusing lid on the individual ConSEP products. Where the condensate air content is de-pressurised and the discharge contents subject to primary filtration. The next stage of the process is an oleophilic filter chamber to collect entrained oil, followed by a separator body of activated carbon to filter out and remove any compression process contaminants and debris.

Clean water is collected at the bottom of the ConSEP vessel, with a water drain and test point also provided. Midpoint connectors are also provided to facilitate a multiple or modular grouping of up to five vessels to handle even large condensate output flows.

As an added incentive, a free ConSEP condensate cleaner will be provided with every Tundra Refrigerant Air Dryer ordered from Hi-line Industries Ltd during March 2015.