Following a successful campaign for ‘Safetember’ run by the Fork Lift Truck Association, Mentor training has provided informative training videos in a six part series. These hard hitting training videos highlight the risks and importance of adopting a safe working practice.

The main points covered are the STOP principle:

SAFE WORKING PRACTICE –The importance of staying safe around lift trucks and discussing safe working practices: including Forklift stability, speed and the operating area.

THINK encouraging those working on and around lift trucks to consider their actions and their potential effects for their colleagues and themselves.

OBSERVE operators and pedestrians alike are urged to ensure they stay fully aware of what’s going on around them to reduce the risk of an accident.

PEDESTRIANS Lift truck operators must be aware that they have a responsibility for the safety of pedestrians when operating a lift truck but pedestrians must also take responsibility for their own safety and that of others by following best practice guidance.

The STOP principle is an excellent example of how to use an acrostic with an easy to remember word providing training to Forklift truck operators and allowing them to own the responsibility of their actions whilst increasing awareness of the dangers around them.  

Creating safe working environments is imperative:

The consequences for not upholding safe working practices impact everyone involved.

Consider the consequences of acting or operating dangerously.

Not only could you seriously hurt or kill someone, you are breaking the law, you could be given an unlimited fine and up to 24 months prison sentence.

Something that could happen in the blink of an eye!  

Shockingly statistics indicate one worker in the UK is killed every six weeks as a result of accidents involving fork lift trucks alone and many more suffer very serious injuries. (HSE)

Introducing Zonesafe:

ZoneSafe is a safety solution designed to detect personnel around vehicles and high risk areas. Using proximity warning and alert systems, ZoneSafe can significantly reduce the risk of accidents between people and vehicles such as forklifts or any vehicle working in close proximity to pedestrian workers.

By creating awareness to both the driver and the pedestrian worker through the use of audible-visual alarms and vibration, ZoneSafe systems can really make a difference to working safely and reducing the risk of an accidental collision.

The system has the ability to log near miss occurrence data, which can be viewed using a cloud based management information system. This data can be viewed and shared with site managers and supervisors to help make efficient and effective decisions relating to on site safety and training requirements.

For more information please visit our website or to book a free demonstration call us on 01202 868000.