Shane Brennan, chief executive of the Food Storage and Distribution Federation, took part in a roundtable meeting chaired by the Secretary of State for Transport on the withdrawal agreement and Brexit No Deal Planning.

In advance of the meeting he said: “This meeting is part of our ongoing commitment to play a constructive role in supporting the government in its planning for all outcomes of the ongoing Brexit negotiations. Food storage and distribution businesses are focused on working with their customers to find solutions to whatever disruption that may result from a breakdown in agreement on a suitable transition to a new trading relationship between the UK and the EU.


“We support the Withdrawal Agreement, because it provides the necessary certainty for businesses seeking to manage an effective food supply chain. Any other scenario, from a no deal Brexit to a further protracted period of uncertainty will add regrettable costs and disruption. We urge MPs to reach an agreement as soon as possible. 


“We are also clear in our message to the Government about the severe impacts of the labour shortages that are already present across our distribution and warehouse operations. These will only be exacerbated by poorly thought through post-Brexit immigration policy. We want to see continued access to non-UK labour for key roles in our supply chain and no artificial or arbitrary barriers that make it harder to run our businesses. 


The meeting at Number 10 Downing Street was hosted by the Secretary of State for Transport and was for a range of Associations and company representatives drawn from the Haulage Sector.