MeterRing RT , presents your organisation’s energy and carbon performance, and renewables contribution in a high quality display designed to both captivate and inform. It’s a fully integrated package that takes care of reading the meters, configuring the data and presenting it via hi-resolution graphics.

Elcomponent’s twenty plus years experience in AMR ensures that MeterRing RT ticks all the boxes. Its smoothly animating graphics and clean cutting-edge feel doesn’t just look good – it attracts the viewer’s attention and the carefully designed screens do much more than simply display an instantaneous meter reading.

Bring Process Monitoring to a new level with RT Screens showing real performance activity.

MeterRing RT offers several different presentations including individual sector performance screens and a comparison screen displaying multiple sectors simultaneously for an instant ‘league table’ appraisal of performance. Screens are all updating in real time, and all complemented by a real time gauge.

01279 503173