Ultimo has published a new whitepaper to help logistics businesses optimise uptime and cut costs. According to a recent survey (EAM Trend Report 2021), 42% of asset managers in the logistics sector suffered unplanned downtime last year. Worryingly, only 4% knew how much downtime cost their organisation, highlighting the risks inefficient maintenance practices and lack of operational data pose to profitability. The whitepaper explores these challenges and explains how leveraging the latest Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) technologies can help give logistics managers better control over the cost and performance of fixed and mobile assets.

Logistics sector: Vulnerable to risks

“The logistics sector is very vulnerable to the risks associated with downtime, as any incident can quickly escalate down the supply chain,” says Chris van den Belt, Team Leader Project Management, Ultimo. “Access to reliable asset data is vital for mitigating these risks and protecting profitability. However, 56% of logistics managers lack the data they need to benchmark performance, making identifying and correcting inefficient and costly maintenance practices difficult. The figure is high compared to many other sectors, highlighting the urgent need for the logistics industry to adopt a more data-driven approach to maintenance. This whitepaper highlights the issue and explains why data needs to play a key role in all futureproofing efforts.”

What are the causes of downtime – and how to address them

The whitepaper explores typical causes of downtime in the sector, such as ageing assets and poor communication between teams. It then explains how operators can leverage cloud-based EAM technologies to address them, reducing risks and cutting costs.

It also discusses why operational data is an invaluable tool in helping improve knowledge-sharing – a crucial step in enhancing the response to unprecedented events, mitigating the challenges associated with experienced workers retiring, and bridging the emerging skills gap in the industry.

To download the whitepaper, visit https://www.ultimo.com/efficiency-in-logistics.